By Christine Thomas, CK Digital Learning Solutions Co-Founder
We all know that managing people comes with its fair share of challenges. As a professional learning strategist with over 18 years in the field, I've encountered many of these common hurdles in guiding teams toward success. Let's unravel the complexities with professionalism and a sprinkle of humor.
What are the biggest challenges in managing people?
Balancing act
Managing people is often like a circus act -- finding the right balance is key. Whether handling conflicting personalities or juggling tight deadlines, a successful manager can find the right balance while keeping all the balls in the air. Approach each situation with a level-headed demeanor and a touch of humor to diffuse tension.
Communication conundrum
Barriers to effective communication is one of the biggest challenges in people management. From virtual meetings to water cooler chats, the struggle is real. The tip here is to foster an open-door policy while infusing a bit of humor into your interactions.
A well-timed joke can break down communication barriers and create a more comfortable environment for your team.
A great example of this is the Funny Shirt Fridays we have at our firm. Everyone is encouraged to wear a funny shirt and share a quick story, whether doing virtual or in-person calls. This gives a few people a chance each week to share something personal while the rest of the team learns more about that person. It’s become a tradition, and our team looks forward to sharing their humorous tees.
Remote riddles
As a proud remote worker for two decades, I understand the intricacies of managing dispersed teams. It’s essential to embrace technology, leverage collaborative tools, and maintain regular check-ins.
Instead of jumping right into your agenda, for example, try starting off the meeting with an icebreaker question or riddle that the team can work together to solve. Injecting a bit of fun and humor into virtual meetings lightens the mood and bridges the gap created by physical distances.
Feedback funnies
Providing constructive feedback is an art. Instead of a dry critique, weave in a touch of humor to make the process less daunting. A well-placed joke can turn constructive feedback into a learning opportunity, fostering a growth mindset within your team.
For example, when I give feedback after a client presentation, and I want to address the stress level or nervousness, I may start with a statement, “Whew, I sure am glad that one’s over!” This cuts the tension during feedback and opens the door to discuss what went well and the opportunities for the next presentation.
The team dynamics dance
Navigating team dynamics requires finesse. Acknowledge the diversity within your team and celebrate it. Encourage collaboration by fostering an environment where everyone feels heard and valued. Again, using humor here can be a great equalizer, breaking down barriers and promoting a sense of camaraderie.
A great way to do this is to start each team call with a statement or quote. 💬
For each meeting, set the expectation that someone will get to share their statement or quote, how it applies to our goals, and why it’s important to them.
How can I overcome the challenges of managing people?
Remember that, as a people manager, you must balance professionalism with lightheartedness. Try these tips to get started.
Lead by example. Embody the values and work ethic you expect from your team. Your actions set the tone for the entire group.
Embrace flexibility. In the ever-changing landscape of corporate life, flexibility is a virtue. Adaptability to new challenges and circumstances will be your secret weapon.
Use active listening. Practice active listening to understand the needs and concerns of your team. It fosters a sense of trust and empathy.
Encourage professional development. Support your team's growth by providing opportunities for skill development. This not only benefits them but also enhances the overall capabilities of your team.
Celebrate successes. Acknowledge achievements, big or small, with enthusiasm. A positive environment fuels motivation and boosts morale.
Navigating the challenges of managing people is undoubtedly an art. With a mix of professionalism and a dash of humor, you can create an environment where your team thrives and success comes naturally.
Cheers to mastering the delicate dance of managing people with grace and a smile! 🎉
For more tips on how to manage people, download our FREE guide to effective team member conversations here!
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